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BLACK CANADA is here to provide a service for all Canadians or any one in the world who seeks information about things of interest in the Black Communities throughout Canada. We want to assist you in finding the information in a timely and efficient manner. Canada is recognized worldwide as a very multicultural society. Black's make up a significant part of it. There are many different black communities in Canada in which we want to give you better knowledge of what kinds of businesses and events are there. BLACK CANADA was created to give you an efficient tool in finding and interacting with businesses & people throughout Canada that share in enriching our Black Community.  BLACK CANADA is very visible on all the social network platforms and is recognized as "Canada's Coolest Cultural Site."  We showcase news stories that have been submitted by various sources on our social network. We also go out into the community to look for the news stories and cover events. (hey - invite us to your event!).
Our goal - To make this a very strong and vital site for Black Information that helps to keep our Black Communities growing and informed.




992 Albion Road

Suite 374

Rexdale, Ontario

M9V 1A7







Direct Message






BLACK CANADA may hold contest(s) periodically in which we offer prizes in the form of tickets, giveaways, trips, discounts, food, etc. We reserve the right to cancel or reschedule without any recourse to BLACK CANADA. In order to participate in any of our contest you must be a member of BLACK CANADA's Social Network - which means - you are either - following us on twitter and or Instagram, like us on facebook or a member of our BLACK CANADA Community Group or a member of our BLACK CANADA pages on facebook.  If you are unable to claim a prize in a timely fashion; BLACK CANADA reserve the right to offer it to someone else. Please be aware that if you do win a prize in any of our contest that your name & picture may be shared across BLACK CANADA's Social Network.


BLACK CANADA is unable to guarantee the accuracy of any information provided in any of the pages in this website. Every effort is made to achieve accuracy. For community events, please contact the event host to confirm events date, time, fees, etc. BLACK CANADA holds the right to not post events that it feels is inappropriate. BLACK CANADA does not pretend to be a source of all events. Events that are listed here are submitted by either the event hosts or individuals who claim to be reliable sources. BLACK CANADA will not be liable for any inconvenience or losses in any form to any individual or group(s) due to a cancellation, rescheduled, or any other incident that cause an event to not take place at the time mentioned within our web site. We will try our best to provide the most accurate and timely information. BLACK CANADA reserves the right to change prices for services offered, terminate accounts that have been reported to be obsolete. We are not to be held responsible for any information that appears to be misleading or false advertising. BLACK CANADA makes every attempt to confirm the information that is provided in this web site. We have no control over the material that is presented due to the complex design of the Internet. Any explicit or Adult related material that is presented due to misleading information is without BLACK CANADA's fault. Any material, pictures, news, that are submitted by email, online form, text messaging, mail, in person or other electronic techniques immediately becomes the sole property of BLACK CANADA. We have no obligation to return items or remove them from our site unless it presents a safety or public nuisance or deemed detrimental or degrading to an individual or the general public.
Thank you for choosing to use our services. We add that you use conservative patience in your exploration.









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